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How to Make an Infant Ewok Costume

With Halloween only 15 days away I thought I would get more into the spirit of this fun holiday and show you how I made my daughter's Ewok costume when she was a baby. This costume is perfect for trick-or-treating and will keep your child warm in the cool autumn air, plus it is adorable.

The year? 2014. The occasion? A local convention.The time? Two hours before the convention. My oldest daughter was only three months old when we attended Geek Fest and we thought it would be a great idea to dress her up in a matching themed costume with us, but what quick costume could we come up with to match our Star Wars theme. Whats more is we only had two hours before we had to leave for Geek Fest. Then the answer hit me while I was digging through her closet, she could be an Ewok.

Carter's bear parm

At my baby shower, I received a Carter's teddy bear pram for the colder weather. The pram is the main piece of the costume, but I still needed the brown hood that goes over the Ewok's head. A pillowcase could easily be made into a hood, plus a pillowcase is kind of a staple in trick-or-treating since all you would have to do is cut out a large circle for the head. Lucky for me I had some old bedding in my closet and the pillow cases in there happened to be a medium brown color. After about 15 minutes of some measuring and cutting, I had an adorable little creature of Endor. To add to the adorkableness we gave her a Build-A-Bear lightsaber and a Chewbacca plush. The results were perfect and she was a popular cosplayer. Almost everyone we passed asked if they could get a picture with the tiny Ewok, including the event heads that happened to be cosplaying as Star Wars characters. I wish I still had a copy of Ewok Val posing alongside Darth Vader, Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker, and Boba Fett.

Val in her costume

How to make the costume

  1. You need a bear pram. This time of year you should be able to find one in the baby section of most clothing stores for under $25. I was at Babies-R-Us over the weekend and they had a rack full of prams by Koala Baby for $20.99. I know that seems expensive for a costume, but if you size accordingly it could fit your little one all through winter.

  2. Now comes the pillowcase. I would stick to natural colors like browns and dark greens.

  3. You will need to measure the pillow case so it is the appropriate length. I cut the bottom of the pillowcase (the opening end) until it was belly button length.

  1. Next, you will need to cut a large hole near the top. This is where your baby's head will go, so make it large enough for their whole face.

  1. Now the pillowcase needs armholes. Cut a hole on each side of the pillowcase, large enough for your baby's arm to easily slide through and move around.

  1. Put your child in the pram and then put the pillowcase hood over your child's head. Carefully pull your child's arms through the armholes. Make sure everything lines up correctly.

  2. The ears need to be visible.With the costume on your child cut two tiny holes where the ears are, be careful while doing this.

  1. Costume completed! Good job!

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